STUART BAILEY (of Dexter Sinister)
A Talk, as part of Steinberg, Saul…
Tuesday, July 3, 7pm
It’s our pleasure to divulge that the leading subjects of Bailey’s talk are Saul Steinberg’s bloodless relatives: The New Yorker and J.D. Salinger, who, in case you didn’t know, isn’t just a myth but a writer. One who in two decades of close work with William Shawn (The New Yorker’s genius domus) wrote thirteen stories, each touched by a runny style.
Bailey will keep both institutions, Salinger and The New Yorker, in mind and draw attention, at first piecemeal and then pointblank, to 1) the precarious relationship between literary medium and romantic value, 2) the nature of a design deposited by so many different people, and 3) how cantankerous attitudes become form.
Stuart Bailey is promiscuous. In plainer English, he is a publisher, designer, editor, and 1/2 of Dexter Sinister (Stuart Bailey and David Reinfurt). Together, with Angie Keefer and David Reinfurt, Bailey edits the cottage journal, Bulletins of The Serving Library.
p. 42: “Seymour: An Introduction,” The New Yorker (June 6, 1959)
For further reading, see Salinger’s thirteen New Yorker contributions: “SLIGHT REBELLION OFF MADISON” (December 21, 1946); “A Perfect Day for Bananafish” (January 31, 1948); “Uncle Wiggily in Connecticut” (March 20, 1948); “Just Before the War with the Eskimos” (June 5, 1948); “The Laughing Man” (March 19, 1949); “For Esmé—With Love and Squalor” (April 8, 1950); “Pretty Mouth and Green My Eyes” (July 14, 1951); “Teddy” (January 31, 1953); “Franny” (January 29, 1955); “Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters” (November 19, 1955); “Zooey” (May 4, 1957); “Seymour: An Introduction” (June 6, 1959); and the un-published novella, “Hapworth 16, 1924” (June 19, 1965).