A Talk as part of WEX
Sunday, November 18, 4pm
What we put into words or exhibitions is not our possession. That should become clear when Avigail Moss looses the show of us and does the semi-responsible thing: thinks in capitals and faces up to some of the subjects around Marianne Wex that remain unsatisfied—the format of the book Let’s Take Back Our Space vs. the panels on display; photodocumentary practice; Germany’s “Economic Miracle”; German and American feminist movements; the relevance of the social sciences. The talk will end with a discussion about Wex’s relationship to painting. Some will say her paintings are just juvenilia, but that’s blinkered thinking. She started making the photographic panels as research for the paintings, and then found the research photographs to be less restrictive than painting. One medium gave way to another, and though that is unremarkable, it is significant for what it might say about painting as a horizon for different kinds of practice, or painting as a point of departure for Wex’s teleology.
Avigail Moss lives in Los Angeles. Her most recent work is a book she co-edited with Kerstin Stakemeier entitled, Painting — The Implicit Horizon (2012). She is a graduate of UCLA, Yale University, and University College London. From 2009 to 2010 she was a researcher-in-residence at the Jan van Eyck Academie in Maastricht.

Here is a recording of the talk.