A Screening as part of Steinberg, Saul…
Thursday, August 9, 8pm
The Right Way (1982, VHS, 52:00) is a creation story and it begins, like our planet, with an improvisation—a little departure from reality, we suppose—and then the improvisation accrues reality, retroactively, as subsequent events grow out of the initial situation. Reality gets built. Morality comes along, so does free will, language, guilt, and joy too. The thrill comes from watching the protagonists, Rat and Bear, hike around the woods and find things to give them the impression they exist. Personally, I work up high hopes for them. I like them both, and want the best for them.
The Swiss artists Peter Fischli (b. 1952) and David Weiss (1946–2012) began working together in 1979. Since then, they’ve won all the prizes—the 2003 Golden Lion, this and that—but this and that don’t matter much. What matters is that their work is always excited to explore the First Amendment for all it’s worth.

Rat and Bear, courtesy le Bistro Montage