Gallery Hours: Thurs–Sun 1 to 6

Rhea Anastas
Moyra Davey
Andrea Fraser
Nicolás Guagnini
Gareth James
Christian Philipp Müller
Jeff Preiss
R.H. Quaytman
Karin Schneider
Jason Simon
John Yancy, Jr.
Current Exhibition:

Future Exhibition:

Past Exhibitions:

Spring Wound
From One O to the Other
11 Sessions
Cookie Cutter
Calendar of flowers, gin bottles, steak bones
Image Coming Soon
Form of a waterfall. Sadie Benning
On The Collective For Living Cinema
Jef Geys
I Like You and You Like Me
Sylvia Rivera Law Project Art Opening
Around the Corner: Zoe Leonard, Petra Wunderlich, Christian Philipp Müller
Nicolás Guagnini: The Middle Class Goes to Heaven (2005–06)
Dan Graham: Death by Chocolate: West Edmonton Shopping Mall (1986–2005)

Heard Not Seen
Having Been Described In Words
Painters Without Paintings and Paintings Without Painters
Small Works For Big Change
Michael Asher, film screening
Stephan Pascher, Lucky Chairs

Martin Beck
September 11. 1973.
Part Three, "Last Minute"
Polish Socialist Conceptualism of the 70s
Part Two
Part One

Image Coming Soon
Karin Schneider
Concurrent Events:
Book party: Friday, October 26, 6—9 pm T. J. Demos, The Exiles of Marcel Duchamp (MIT Press)
Excerpts from an Orchard Diary to be. by KS.

On May 25, 2005, at 6:00 pm: a fog machine was turned on for 30 minutes during Orchard's inaugural exhibition. Jutta Koether was invited to play. The piece was called Sabotage.

On October 30, 2006 at 6:30 pm: a reconstruction of a 1973 grey cameraless 16 mm film, 15 minutes long, by Michael Asher was screened.

On October 5, 2007: Leticia Sabsay, who is now in Valencia, received by Fedex a box sent by Judi Werthein from New York containing her piece Brinco.

From October 8 to October 12, 2007: Orchard will be open from 7 pm to 11 pm for the installation of a transparent acrylic wall that will bisect the space. The reflective display device will be constructed by KS and Morgan Edelbrock, according to plans made by KS and Masahiro Shinohara.

During this installation week, a group of artists will work at the space as well.

Tuesday, October 9: Sarina Basta will install a black and white 16 mm film, 5 minutes long, titled Credits, made in collaboration with KS.

Wednesday night Judi Werthein will show up to see the installation in progress and discuss with the artist and the guy next door (also at 47 Orchard) the possibility of bringing Brinco to his shop to be on sale during the show.

Thursday, October 11: Amy Granat will stop by to install a color and black & white 16 mm film that KS invited her to shot last year. The film is hand painted by Amy Granat and KS and titled 3 minutes of paint on 6 minutes of film.

Friday, October 12: Eileen Quinlan will stop by to bring her 80 different digital crops of a single photograph (these will be on display two weeks later at 36 Orchard, down the road, as part her next solo show) turned into slides to be projected in one of KS paintings. The slide projector will be placed on top of books by David Lamelas, Merleau-Ponty, and Robert Rauschenberg, set in turn on top of a small Eames table. The title of this elastic painting has yet to be determined by both artists.

Saturday, October 13: Melanie Gilligan will arrive from London with a text to be installed in the transparent wall. The display system for the text has yet to be determined.

Sunday, 14 from 6 to 9 pm is the official opening of Image Coming Soon.

October 14 to November 11: Leticia Sabsay will come from Valencia to deliver her most recent paper in progress.

Francisca Caporalli will present a film in progress she is editing, by Brandon Jourdan. Some of the footage is currently being shot as I write this and will be incorporated in the film, started during the 2006 Lebanon War, known in Lebanon as the July War. In the film rare footage shows the magnitude of destruction and loss of human life. The film includes exclusive interviews with key figures involved in the conflict. This massive invasion has disappeared from the screens and consciousness of the United States public.

The films presented will not be looped. It is likely that only light will be projected for long stretches of time, instead of the films.

Other events such as music performances, readings and screenings may or may not occur during the one month installation, during regular gallery hours, or non gallery hours.

On November 11, from 7 to 10 pm, the space will be emptied for the next exhibition.
