Gallery Hours: Thurs–Sun 1 to 6

Rhea Anastas
Moyra Davey
Andrea Fraser
Nicolás Guagnini
Gareth James
Christian Philipp Müller
Jeff Preiss
R.H. Quaytman
Karin Schneider
Jason Simon
John Yancy, Jr.
Current Exhibition:

Future Exhibition:

Past Exhibitions:

Spring Wound
From One O to the Other
11 Sessions
Cookie Cutter
Calendar of flowers, gin bottles, steak bones
Image Coming Soon
Form of a waterfall. Sadie Benning
On The Collective For Living Cinema
Jef Geys
I Like You and You Like Me
Sylvia Rivera Law Project Art Opening
Around the Corner: Zoe Leonard, Petra Wunderlich, Christian Philipp Müller
Nicolás Guagnini: The Middle Class Goes to Heaven (2005–06)
Dan Graham: Death by Chocolate: West Edmonton Shopping Mall (1986–2005)

Heard Not Seen
Having Been Described In Words
Painters Without Paintings and Paintings Without Painters
Small Works For Big Change
Michael Asher, film screening
Stephan Pascher, Lucky Chairs

Martin Beck
September 11. 1973.
Part Three, "Last Minute"
Polish Socialist Conceptualism of the 70s
Part Two
Part One

Organized By: Moyra Davey

Artists: Martin Beck, Pradeep Dalal, Andrea Fraser, Mitchell Goodman, K8 Hardy, Sowon Kwon, Joshua Lutz, Angela Marzullo, Kim Miller, Jennifer Montgomery, Ulrike Müller, Claire Pentecost, Jeff Preiss, R. H. Quaytman, Fabienne Radi, Hugo Radi, Jason Simon, Shellburne Thurber, Union Gaucha Productions, JoAnn Verburg, Therine Youngblood

Screening and discussion: On Thursday, June 15th at 6pm, Fifty Minutes, a video by Moyra Davey will be screened, followed by a discussion with the filmmaker and Gregg Bordowitz.
(Download checklist pdf)
